
~upcycled home sign~

by - February 04, 2018

I've been experimenting with my Cricut and adhesive-backed vinyl lately.  I purchased a few new cartridges from Amazon and couldn't wait to experiment with them.  First I painted this random wood piece from a flower press.  I simply painted it white and then used the Anna's Fancy Lettering cartridge to spell out home.
It got a little tricky peeling off the letters and getting them even on the wood, but I think I did a pretty good job for my first attempt.
Using a 99 cent wood board from Kohl's (less than 99 cent since I used my 30 percent off coupon!) and the Monogram Motifs Cricut cartridge, I made this pretty B monogram board.
I used regular label paper for this one, and added the enamel number tag for a French market look.  Again, a little tricky using such sticky paper, but once you get the hang of it, it's super easy.

I'm working on a third sign as we speak!  Affliate links are below.

Both of these were added to my mini basement gallery wall.


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