
~black & white kitchen decor~

by - June 10, 2019

It all started with this cake plate.
I spied it down in the basement (I normally use it for Valentine's Day decor) and thought how pretty it would look if I swapped out the red ribbon for black.  So that's just what I did.  
And somehow my kitchen morphed into a black and white palette.  I'm wondering why I didn't do it sooner as I'm loving the new look!  Best part is: I already had everything I needed.  For instance, I painted the cloche plate black - it was originally pink.  The scale and pitcher were already on the counter.
Then I made a quick banner using vintage Bingo cards.  I'm crushing on it so hard!
And voila! - here we are.  I also painted the small canning jars black and added white clothes pins (hard to see them in the pic).  This small changed cost me zero and it really gave our kitchen a whole new look.


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