
~free autumn activity printables~

August 31, 2021 / BY Okio B Designs
If your big kids are heading back to school tomorrow like mine are, you might be looking for some activities to keep your smaller ones busy during the day.Today I'm sharing some cute autumn-inspired backyward scavenger hunts created by my friends at HomeAdvisor.  You can download them here.  You can choose from three different activities.  The best part?  They're all free!  And you know free is my favorite four-letter word.  Be sure to check them out...

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~footed wood tray~

August 15, 2021 / BY Okio B Designs
 Who doesn't love a good upcycle?!I had these wood drawers from an art kit my parents gave one of my sons a few years ago.  He used all the markers, crayons, etc. and all that was left was the wood box.  I knew immediately what I was doing to do with the drawers.First I gave the wood a few coats of black spray paint.  Then I hunted down some scrap wood in the garage and...

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~jenga block pumpkins~

August 10, 2021 / BY Okio B Designs
Today I'm sharing some super cute Jenga block pumpkins I made.  They're easy to make and, well, a little addicting.Of course, first you'll need some Jenga blocks.  I bought mine at our local thrift store a couple of years ago.  I use them for random projects here and there.  Next, you'll need some wood glue.  I used Tacky Glue, which I got at Dollar Tree - but you can use any type of glue that...

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