
Let Them Eat Cake!

by - August 19, 2011

I finally got a bit of my crafting mojo back!  It's been a rough week sleep-wise but I was happy to churn out at least one new project.  The best part?  I had everything I needed on hand to make this Marie Antoinette-inspired penny jar:

I had purchased this fabric image from Etsy months ago.  I didn't have any fabric to match it for a pillow at the time so it sat and sat.  Today, while cleaning up my craft room, I came across it.  I had the penny jar from DebbieDoo's magazine challenge.
I cut the fabric to the size of my jar.  I turned it into a "sticker" using Sticky Dots (I was very surprised that it works on fabric!) and placed it on the front of the jar.  I added the vintage lace with some hot glue.  Then I just placed some self-sticking rhinestones randomly on the image.  Lift up the lace and you see:
It's a colorful addition to my kitchen and I can't wait to add some treats for the boys to it!  Cake, unfortunately, won't fit.  =)

Linking to Funky Junk Interiors: SNS.


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  1. That's pretty! Love the colors! So let me understand, you got this with the image already on the fabric? That's pretty neat.

    Sorry you haven't been sleeping well. I wake up before the clock goes off at 6 now for some reason. By 9:30 I'm dead to the world.

  2. Very pretty jar! That's a nice looking design.

  3. Wonderful! Bravo!
    I just love it!
    Thank you for sharing!


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