
Adding Pretty To The...

April 30, 2014 / BY Okio B Designs
...Toilet tank.  Yes, I'm posting about adding some pretty to our toilet tank.  We only have one bathroom in our four bedroom cape, and to call it outdated would be an understatement.  I like to say it's retro, but I'm also the first to admit, it's plain ugly.  So I dress it up in random spots to take away from the ugly. I was flipping through an old issue of Country Living when I saw...

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Pinterest Inspired Candlesticks

April 28, 2014 / BY Okio B Designs
I spied this pretty idea for candlesticks on Pinterest last week. I had a few wooden ones I painted a couple of years ago lurking about so I decided to give this idea a go.  Here's my version: I had a set of aqua and pink ones candlesticks.  I decided to go with the aqua ones first.  The tins are actually Xmas ornaments from Ikea.  I love how they look vintage.  Of course now it...

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I Spy at Suite Pieces

April 26, 2014 / BY Okio B Designs
I was so thrilled to stop by the grand opening of Suite Pieces in Huntington, NY today.  The thought of all the vintage goodness to be found AND the thought of meeting Susan from Homeroad had me giddy like a school girl this morning. I was so excited when Susan started blogging about opening a booth in this lovely space.  Ready to go in? This is one of the first spaces you see when coming...

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Sprucing Up for Spring

April 24, 2014 / BY Okio B Designs
I stepped outside of my comfort zone by choosing some new paint colors for our living room and dining room.  For the dining room, I chose a sea foam green/blue.  The hubby painted it over the weekend. This is a before and after photo.  The yellow was the original color (to the left). We painted both rooms with the yellow and it was/is starting to grate on my nerves.   I like this much, much better! And another view of the old...

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Birdcage Makeover

April 22, 2014 / BY Okio B Designs
Remember that birdcage that got a bit icky after being left out all winter?  Well, I was able to get in some painting yesterday and here it is now: It took quite a few coats of paint to cover up the rust, but now it looks fresh and clean again. The bottom was a bit crusty - even after re-painting it - so I covered that up with some faux moss.  The stack of books...

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Happy Easter

April 20, 2014 / BY Okio B Designs
Wishing all of my bloggy friends a very happy Easter! Jeanine ...

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Upcycled Gravy (Yes, Gravy!) Jars

April 16, 2014 / BY Okio B Designs
I've been hoarding glass jars like a squirrel hoards nuts.  I had a teeny bit of free time this week to start embellishing some of them. I started by adding distressed French book paper to each jar.  Then I added different rub-on transfer images to the paper.   For this one - which is my favorite! - I also added a strip of burlap and some white twine.   The finishing touch was this lock...

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Random Pieces

April 13, 2014 / BY Okio B Designs
We spent much of our weekend, cleaning the yard and taking the boys into Manhattan, so I didn't have time to devote to any projects.  And the boys are off from school this week, so I'm sure I'll have even less time for crafting but here are a few things I worked on, picked up and have plans for. I picked up this pretty spring wreath at a garage sale literally a stone's throw from...

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Vintage Bulb Planter Turned Photo Holder

April 09, 2014 / BY Okio B Designs
I picked up a vintage metal bulb planter at a local garage sale last summer.  I wanted to give it a quick makeover and a new purpose: a photo holder. I didn't think to take a before picture - boo!  This is a side view so you can see that it is indeed a bulb planter. I started by giving it a few coats of white spray paint.  Once the paint was dry, I used...

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Bunny Before and After

April 07, 2014 / BY Okio B Designs
I was able to get some spray painting in this weekend.  Yay!  First up was this bunny that I picked up at a garage sale about a year ago.   I wasn't jazzed about the original coloring so I gave it a quick makeover with a few coats of white spray paint.  Here's the after: I'm loving it much more now!  It's amazing what a few coats of paint and some tea-stained seam binding can...

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Thrifty Finds

April 04, 2014 / BY Okio B Designs
I stopped into our local thrift store this morning and spent a whopping $2.50.  It doesn't seem fair considering the cuteness I found: Aren't these little wood place setters adorable?  I got 6 of them.  I originally bought them to redo as shelf sitters but the more I look at them, the more I like them for Easter. You know me, I never met a Mason jar I didn't like.  I also picked up this...

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