I know it's St. Patrick's Day, but I haven't been dreaming about leprechauns. I've been dreaming about spring. This past week was lovely. Warm and sunny with a few spots of rain here and there. But the weather man says we're getting snow this weekend. Noooooooooooo! So I'll be keeping busy making more of these Easter sacks for my 8 year old's class, while watching the snow fall. Hopefully this will be winter's last hoorah....
Target Bunnies
March 09, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
Have you seen these adorable bunnies at Target? Both are in the Dollar Spot but are $3 each. One is a plain paper mache and the other looks like ceramic, but it's really more of a white paper mache. I decided to Frenchify the brown paper mache one. I started by giving it a few coats of white paint. Then I tried to hand-stamp some French script on it. Fail! Because it's not completely flat,...
Kid Stuff
March 03, 2016 / BY Okio B Designs
My boys have taken over my craft room! First the 10 year old came in asking if HE could make a "paper Mario" pillow. I really wasn't sure what that was. So we took to the internet to find a Mario image. When he found the one he liked, I downloaded it on to TAP paper. And because he's only 10, I ironed the image on to the fabric for him. Then he got busy...