
~beachy keen~

by - June 09, 2017

Finally!  Today the weather here finally cooperated.  No more rain. No more 50 degrees.  We had a solid day of warmth and it definitely put some pep into my step.

And since summer is right around the corner, I started adding some beachy touches to the house.  This sweet little vignette on our tv table includes a blue Mason jar and Scrabble tiles.  The starfish print is one I bought from Etsy a few years ago.  I simply printed it out on some French script paper and added it to an Ikea frame.
Aren't these petite pillows the cutest?  Another Etsy find.  I believe the shop I purchased them from is called My Adobe Cottage. Sadly, I don't think she makes pillows anymore.  I have them displayed in a vintage clam basket in the livingroom.
This one isn't quite beachy, but since it doesn't warrant its own post, I thought I'd include it.  I whipped it up the other night.  It felt good to break out the sewing machine and make a pillow.  I used Osnaburg fabric and simply handstamped the numbers and London right onto the front.  And, no, 1885 is not a significant date; I just liked the numbers.  Hee hee hee.

Are you finally inspired for summer?


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