This is probably the last year we'll be doing Elf on the Shelf. My 11 year old still believes (or at least we think he still does!) in Santa and the Elf, but I get the feeling by this time next year, he won't. It makes me very sad, so I decided to step up my game this year and go full on Elf on the Shelf! Our first night wasn't incredibly creative, but I...
~happy thanksgiving~
November 22, 2018 / BY Okio B Designs
(Image courtesy of The Graphics Fairy) Wishing you a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Jeanine ...
~christmas touches~
November 20, 2018 / BY Okio B Designs
I am full on decorating for Christmas! I know some of you wait until after Thanksgiving to start, but breaking out our Christmas decor always puts me in a wonderful mood. It could be something as simple as adding some Mercury glass acorns to a bowl filled with shredded vintage sheet music. Or placing bottle brush trees into an old milk glass dish. Adding a joy banner to our new flocked tree. To even upcycling...
~rae dunn-inspired candy jars~
November 19, 2018 / BY Okio B Designs
I love Rae Dunn's ceramic pieces. I mean, who doesn't, right?! After spying some copycat projects on Instagram, I decided to make my own Rae Dunn-inspired candy jars. All you need are some jars (I bought two of these from Hobby Lobby and the the third is a pickle jar!) and clear sticker paper. Download the Skinny font from and print out your words onto the label paper. Cut to size, peel, stick and...
~dollar store upcyles for christmas~
November 12, 2018 / BY Okio B Designs
How are excited are you to be crafting for Christmas?! I can hardly contain myself. Don't these Mercury glass bottles get you in the holly-jolly spirit?! I picked them up from the Dollar Store. I used my Cricut to cut out the noel and joy words, and added tea-stained seam binding and some vintage floral enbellishments to them. I'm in love! I have to go back for more. This reindeer ornament is also courtesy of...