
~movie night is popping~

by - October 05, 2021

My 14 year old son considers himself something of a popcorn connoisseur.  Name a brand - he's tried them all.
A couple of weeks ago, I was flipping through an old issue of Country Living magazine and saw Quinn Snacks (yes that is my October 2012 issue above).  I showed it to him and he said: "Ooooh, we should try that."  For those of you who aren't familiar with the brand, Quinn has taken popcorn to a new level.  They've "removed all of the chemicals, preservatives, plastics and use only real ingredients they can trace back to the source."  Basically, there's no bad stuff here.
We were able to get our hands on Quinn's Movie Night Popcorn Box (SRP: $26.99 while supplies last).  It was like hitting the lotto jackpot for this kid.
The Movie Night Popcorn Box (seriously, how cute is the box with all of the movie quotes?!) contains 9 bags of their delicious popcorn, 9 packets of oil and seasonings (3 of each seasoning flavor: White Cheddar & Sea Salt, Real Butter & Sea Salt and Aged Parmesan & Rosemary).  You pop the popcorn, pour on the oil (and you shake, shake, shake) and then add the seasoning (and shake, shake, shake again).  
Omg, each kernel is like a little piece of organic heaven.  My son devoured an entire bag himself.  I popped a separate bag for the rest of us and we all agree, we've never had such light and airy popcorn before.  You could actually taste the goodness.
If you have the time, pop on over (no pun intended) to Quinn Snacks to see their array of good for your food.  You can also find them on Amazon, of course.  And if you're wondering, my favorite is the White Cheddar & Sea Salt.


* Note: I received a review sample from Quinn Snacks.  However, all opinions, images, etc. are honest and my own.  This blog does not contain any content that might present a conflict of interest.  Affiliate links and/or monetary compensation will always be disclosed. 

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