It's beginning to look a lot like Halloween...everywhere we go.Yes, I've started putting out Halloween pieces. I do a little each day so it doesn't feel so overwhelming.As you can probably tell from my blogging absence, we have a lot going on over here. My high school senior is starting the college application process. Yikes!My younger son is busy with Marching Band and marathon DnD (Dungeons & Dragons) campaigns with his friends. My day job has...
~woo, hoo! target & dollar tree are stepping up their autumn/halloween game~
September 04, 2022 / BY Okio B Designs
Hats off to Target and Dollar Tree for stepping up their autumn and Halloween decor this year!You know I've been a full-fledged bargain-shopper since my One Cheap B*tch blogging days (God, I miss that blog!) and now more than ever, I don't want to spend any more than I have to - on anything.Are you ready?! Because everything pretty much shown here is $5 and under: the fortune telling palms? Only $1.25 each at Dollar...