
La Fabuleux Tea Room Sign

May 06, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I'm not really sure what La Fabuleux means in French (note to self: Google it!) but whatever it means, I used it on this wood sign for my tea room: I had one sheet of graphite paper left and since it was raining on and off all day yesterday, I decided to use it for this little sign. I bought this image off of Etsy a year or so ago and I simply love it. ...

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Quick Mother's Day Gift

May 03, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Yup, still rainy and chilly in our neck of the woods.  Sigh!  The upside is when you're trapped in the house all day, you get a jumpstart on some Mother's Day gifts: I made these little wood silhouettes of my boys for their Grandma today.  I bought the wood pieces at Michael's and gave them a few coats of aqua paint.  Then I took some profile shots of the boys.  I printed them out on...

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Rain, Rain Go Away...

May 02, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Two days of rain does nothing for my motivation.  All I've been able to accomplish this week is this book stack which has found a home atop this vintage scale. Here's to hoping for blue skies and warm temperatures tomorrow.  I hope, I hope... Jeanine  ...

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Bathroom Tile Magnets

April 29, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Feeling better and enjoying some gorgeous weather here today - yay!  Didn't get much garage sale shopping in but we did start organizing stuff for our garage sale next month.  While, cleaning up the garage, I found some bathroom tiles that we've had forever. I just can't seem to toss them.  So I stared at them for awhile this morning and thought: wouldn't they make for some cute refrigerator magnets? So I made some!  I bought this...

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Kitchen Vignette

April 27, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Guess who has strep throat now?!  Thanks to my adorable 4 year old, I spent most of the day in bed. Yesterday I put together this quick vignette in the kitchen using the vintage Pilgrim crate I found at a garage sale last week.  (Not sure if I'll get any sales in this weekend - boo hoo!)  I am thinking of adding some colorful straws or vintage silverware to the mason jars.  The little pitcher...

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Petite Embellished Bottle

April 25, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I have to say embellished bottles seem to be my new favorite find on Pinterest.  I admire the many different styles, fabrics and, well, embellishments that people come up with.  I was feeling a bit inspired this morning so I made this petite Marie Antoinette bottle: These images are one of my first purchased off of Etsy.  It was a full sheet of pure Marie love.  I printed out the sheet and used a quarter...

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