
Back to My Jewelry Roots

by - June 25, 2013

Long before I was a wife and mother, I started my crafting endeavors by making jewelry.  It was the perfect distraction for what seemed at the time to be a stressful life (little did I know!).  When I first started my Etsy shop, I had some earrings and necklaces in there that quickly sold and that was the end of that.

Over the weekend I popped into Michael's and saw some nice jewelry templates from Mod Podge.  I grabbed a packet not sure if I was ready to plunge back into jewelry making.
At about the same time, I bought these precious religious images off of Etsy.  It seemed like the perfect fit.
While my boys were busy upstate with their Dad over the weekend, I sat and made some necklaces.  It was like revisiting an old friend.
And it was right then and there that I realized how much I truly missed it.  I'm sure I will take baby steps getting back into it but it is like riding a bike: you never forget how to do it.  In the meantime, I'm enjoying these pieces so much that I'm struggling with deciding on whether or not to add these to my Etsy shop.


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  1. They are gorgeous! I think they would be a hit on Etsy. Sounds like I need to make a Michael's run:)


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