I got nothing. Seriously, I haven't had a chance or opportunity for any great Goodwill or garage sale makeovers in the past week. I sit in my craft room/office looking woefully around and thinking to myself: "I got nothing." Every weekend in July it seems we had something going on so I'm hoping August will slow down just a bit... Anywho, I did manage to whip up a couple of new tins for my Etsy...
Farmhouse Basket
July 26, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
**Thank you to everyone who let me know it was Michele Raven Designs blog that I drew my inspiration from!** I can't for the life of me remember which blog showed a beautiful farmhouse basket with a stenciled number on it. If that's you, please drop me a note and let me know as you are the inspiration for this post! I picked up this basket at a garage sale a couple of weeks ago. ...
Goodwill Pastry Stand Makeover and a Winner!
July 24, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
Happy Sunday everyone! The boys are back home and everything is back to normal in the house. =) I'm also excited to share my latest Goodwill makeover. Remember this 3-tier pastry stand I got last week. I was so inspired by some of the where bloggers create that I came up with this: First I spray painted it white. Easy enough. Then I dug out some old vintage lace and cut pieces to match each...
Friday's Thrifty Finds and a Dilemna...
July 22, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
Does this ever happen to you: you have a hard time finding something you collect and then once you find it, you see it everywhere? Case in point, I found some vintage Jello molds on Etsy a few months ago, bought em and now, lo and behold, I see them everywhere. So of course when I popped by the local thrift store today, guess what I found? Yup, you guessed it: more vintage Jello molds. Ha! ...
Upcycled Goodwill Frames
July 21, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
Woohoo! Sorry but I can't contain my excitement that the men are away for the weekend. Of course I miss my little guys terribly but I'm getting so much done since they left this morning. Finally, some much-needed craft time! I literally just finished up these Goodwill picture frames a little while ago. Here is the before with the lovely 3-tier pastry thing-y I also picked up from GW. That's undergoing it's own makeover tonight! But before I...
Glass Cloche or Butter Dish?
July 19, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I stopped in our local Home Goods over the weekend and spotted a cute little glass dome butter dish. For $3.99, I thought it was a steal. No, not for butter but to use as a petite glass cloche! I laid a vintage doily on the bottom of the dish. Then I added a skeleton key and a distressed French poetry page. Everything fits perfectly! And it's the ideal size to display on my vintage book stack!...
LOVE Banner Giveaway
July 17, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I'm a huge fan of Funkyshique on Etsy. I recently purchased one of their beautiful LOVE burlap banners. And as luck would have it - they sent two! One for moi and one for YOU! The one I'm keeping is pink and brown, the other for one lucky winner is gray and pink and every bit as irresistible as the one I'm keeping (it's already hanging in my tea room!). Here are the giveaway rules:...
Chalkboard Mirror
July 12, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
Remember that mirror I got over the weekend at a local garage sale? Feast your eyes on it now! I actually used the chalkboard paint over the mirror. I didn't know how it would come out but it actually is holding quite nicely. You'll notice it's on the floor because I still can't figure out where to put it. I'm running out of wall space - ha! Not bad for $2! Jeanine ...
Good Housekeeping Magazine
July 11, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
So excited that my French script candles are featured in the August 2011 issue of Good Housekeeping magazine! I'm a bit overwhelmed with orders but loving every minute of it! Not the greatest scan but you get the idea! Jeanine ...
Garage Sale Finds
July 09, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
Super excited to share this morning's garage sale finds. So many sales, but so little time since my husband's niece is getting married later today. Here's what I scooped up: How about a nice old whiskey barrel for $5? This ice bucket with stand was also $5. I'm going back and forth on whether or not to paint it white or keep the metal color. The basket is definitely getting a makeover. The green chalkboard...
French Makeover for Garage Sale Jar
July 07, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I've been really bad this week in terms of getting to my craft to do list. Truth be told, my husband and I were watching the Casey Anthony trial - literally from day one three years ago! - and we were both a bit shell-shocked this week by the verdict. I think it's a terrible tragedy for the little girl and I just can't believe the outcome. And I promise that's all the venting I will...
No Sew Sack from Rachel Ashwell Sheet Bag
July 05, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
Hope everyone had a safe and happy July 4th! I didn't get to do much crafting this weekend but I did manage to make this little no sew sack that I plan to store some craft supplies in. The bag is actually from some Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic sheets I got from Target. The little bag was too cute for me to toss so I came up with this instead: I added some vintage lace...
Vintage-Inspired Chalkboard: Repost from OCB
July 03, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I bought a bunch of these little chalkboards today for use in my Etsy shop. Here is the first one I did and truth be told, I like it so much, I'm keeping it for moi! I used some Distressed Ink to "age" the wood frame. Then I tied some twine around it and added the coffee-dyed hang tag and French paper. Finishing touch was some dried flower buds in the middle of the paper...
Napkins as Easy as 1,2,3: Repost from OCB
July 03, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I picked up these hotel napkins at the Pottery Barn Outlet on Friday. While I wanted a crisp, white napkin, I still felt they were missing a little something. I dusted off my Cricut and got busy choosing a sweet font to use to stencil in my numbers. This is from the Storybook font. After the Cricut cut out the numbers, I used a black fabric marker to stencil them onto each napkin. Thank God...
Shabby Kitchen Touches: Repost from OCB
July 03, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I'm forever playing around with my kitchen counter. The problem, among others (don't get me started on the green color), is, I don't have much of one and whatever I seem to display on there always gets in the way of our day to day lives. Still, it doesn't stop me from trying! I got this vintage pitcher from an estate sale a few weeks ago. She sat there kind of lonely in the corner. So I...
Life's a Beach...Pillow That Is: Repost from OCB
July 03, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
A few weeks ago my sister Kathy from Creative Home Expressions shared with us that Fabric.com was having this great sale on fabric. Prices were $5.99 and under! I picked up a few yards of this Osnaburg fabric. I didn't love it when it first arrived but I do now! It has the look of burlap but not the feel, which makes it perfect for pillows! I whipped up this "beach" pillow using it last...
French Bucket: Repost from OCB
July 03, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I came across these great vintage-inspired buckets and knew immediately what I wanted to do with them. I printed off the image from The Graphics Fairy and then mod podged it to the front of the bucket. Do another coat over the image to keep it secure and water-proof. And done! Wouldn't it look lovely holding a beautiful Spring bouquet? Linking to The Graphics Fairy: Brag Monday. Happy Monday everyone! Jeanine ...