
Garage Sale Haul

by - November 17, 2013

I was able to hit a couple of garage sales this weekend.  The season seems to be winding down here so it was slim pickings.

I did find a bunch of holiday items.  A white ceramic Xmas tree, another wreath, gingerbread prims and some vintage glass ornaments.
I really love this tree.  You probably can't tell but it's a little sparkly. Not sure if I'm going to leave it as is or dress it up.
I also picked up a few glass jars for mini snow globes.  The glass candleholders are already holding candles under some rusty springs I picked up a few weeks ago.

I spent $7 on everything.  Kind of sad the garage sale season is over but I'm sure I'll be busy decorating for Xmas over the next couple of weekends.


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  1. Oh yes, it's always sad when the garage sale season winds down. We still have estates sales here, and there's always our usual thrift stores, etc. Have fun creating.

  2. Great finds! You will have to look into estate sales now!

  3. good haul we have been out of yard sales for awhile now.


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