This has to be one of my most favorite Valentine's Day images from The Graphics Fairy. I've used it for pillows, sachets, tins and now these petite Dollar Store candle holders: I printed out a wallet size image (yes, the candle holders are that small!) and simply Mod Podged it onto each candle holder. I did another coat on top to seal it on. Once that was dry, I put on the red rhinestones. Easy,...
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I can't believe how fast it came and went. Today was so dreary here that me and the kids actually started taking some decorations down. Then we hit Target for some lights for next year. Somehow I came home with two of these pretties: Yup, Target already has some Valentine's Day items out. So of course that made me start working on a Valentine's Day windowsill for the kitchen. The pink...
Christmas Tablescape
December 20, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
Pull up a chair! We'll be hosting a small Christmas eve gathering this year and here's what I'm thinking our table will look like. This is the first year I'm getting to use these Christmas plates that I got at Home Goods last year: I love a plaid tablecloth for Christmas and I got this one at Target. The rooster plates are from Kmart. The big ornaments are from a local nursery called Hicks. I bought...
Alice in Wonderland Votives
December 19, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I just love this tea party image from Alice in Wonderland! I saw on Pinterest that someone had taken a beautiful black and white photo and added it to a votive with Avery see-through paper. I had a couple of sheets handy, so I made these: Here they are without the candles. Can you see the little rhinestone embellishments? If you haven't tried the Avery see-through paper yet, it's really great. Just put in your...
Santa Claus is Coming To Town...
December 18, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
'Tis the season to pay homage to Santa: Vintage Santa image on metal tin. Great last minute gift for a teacher or co-worker. Hand-stamped Santa tags to hang from gifts of all shapes and sizes. Vintage Santa candleholders. Santa sheet music. Something my children would say! And finally my favorite Santa ever...Acquired at a garage sale over 10 years ago. The best $3 I ever spent! Jeanine ...
Last Minute Xmas Touches From the Dollar Store
December 15, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I can't believe there are 10 more days until Christmas! I made a couple of last minute holiday pieces yesterday. Both from the Dollar Store: These itty bitty candles are maybe 2 inches tall. I printed out the great vintage image from The Graphics Fairy (wallet-size!) and used Mod Podge to glue them to the glass. After the second coat dried, I simply added two little red rhinestones which I think work perfectly with the vintage...
Vintage French Hanky
December 14, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
Note to self: iron your fabric before attempting to hand-stamp it! I'm a victim of my own laziness for this next project. I wanted to give a French touch to this vintage hanky so I broke out the stamps and got busy: But as you can see, I did not think to iron it beforehand. Well, that's not entirely true. I did think: maybe I should iron this first. Alas, laziness won out and if...
Xmas Eve Menu
December 13, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I was playing around with different menu ideas for Christmas Eve. Of course, I headed over to The Graphics Fairy and here's the one I decided on using. The photos are a bit light and my printer seems to be running out of color ink, but you get the idea: I still have to work on moving over the Fresh Greens line. But isn't this scroll just perfect?! I'm going to print some out in...
Xmas Touch for Vintage Bottles
December 12, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
My hubby and I have been collecting old bottles since we first started dating. Unfortunately, after we remodeled our kitchen, much of our collection is gathering dust in the basement. I broke out a few of them last night to make these cute Christmas bottles: First I printed out the black and white images from The Graphics Fairy. Then I filled two of the bottles with German glitter glass (I didn't have any Epsom salt...
Sweet & Simple Inspiration from Pinterest
December 11, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I saw this idea on Pinterest yesterday and thought it was so sweet and simple that I just had to copycat: A clear mason jar filled with some fresh pine cones and an evergreen branch (courtesy of my neighbor's pine tree!) with a couple of candy canes. I love the simplicity of it and the fact that I had everything I needed for a quick little holiday touch. And since simple seems to be my word...
Estate Sale Finds
December 10, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
We hit another estate sale this morning. was a chilly wait but definitely worth it. Just take a look at today's batch of oldies but goodies: I collect old spectacles/glasses and these are perfect for my collection. I've been looking everywhere for these glass insulators in blue and I finally got them! Four to be exact. I couldn't resist the old books, cow bell and this "No Smoking" sign which is more of a...
Friday's Thrifty Finds
December 09, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
The hubby and I hit an estate sale this morning while the boys were in school. Lookie at all of the goodies we snatched up: There is something intriguing to me about the clown with the violin. I don't know if it's a jewelry charm or perhaps more of an ornament. The artist painted the image onto a metal shape - which I know makes it very old. I just can't tell what type of metal it...
I made a few more painted peat pots this week and I think I'm becoming a little obsessed. For this batch, I added some number tags along with the buttons I used on my previous bird one: The first one is filled with rolled vintage sheet music and ones I downloaded from The Graphics Fairy. The other two I'm still deciding on what to fill them with. For now they are filled with shredded sheet...
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
December 07, 2011 / BY Okio B Designs
I just can't seem to get any good photos of our Christmas tree. I don't know if it's because of the dreary weather or the lights on the tree or what?! Here are a few of my attempts: I almost feel like this one makes the tree look like the leaning tower of Pisa! Ha! Got this idea from a magazine (f course I can't remember which one as I'm typing this!). I just love the look...