
French Basket

by - October 11, 2012

This is another garage sale makeover I did earlier this week.  I picked up this wicker basket last Friday.  I really loved all of the compartments in it and I wanted it to match the utensil holder I did over the summer.

I gave it a few coats of robin's egg spray paint.  I knew I wanted to add something to the front of it.  So while, the paint was drying, I printed out this great French label from The Graphics Fairy onto some coffee-dyed scrap fabric.
I was going to try to sew it on but that was an epic fail.  Plan B: spray adhesive.  Aside from temporarily glueing my fingers together, it worked really well!  You can't tell but I frayed some of the edges to give it a more aged look.
Now I have the perfect little set for entertaining!  I plan to use this one to hold napkins and maybe some condiments.


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  1. I love these little utensil holders. I have one that I use at my craft table to hold brushes, etc. I should paint it. Love the graphic on the front of yours too!

  2. That turned out great! Now you will coordinate with your utensil holder!

  3. Looks great and those baskets like that can be used for so many things.
    Thanks for stopping by and nice comment on the necklace.
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