
Christmas Candle

by - December 10, 2012

I've been very short on projects the last few days.  Haven't had a chance to pop into Goodwill or the local thrift store.  I did, however, make a few holiday candles using this pretty wrapping paper I got at Home Goods last year.

I used some Dollar Store prayer candles.
Really quite easy.  Just cut your paper to fit the candle and Mod Podge it on.  I used some green tea-stained seam binding for the top and added a little key embellishment.
I'll probably have these on the table for Xmas eve.  For now, I'm just having fun tucking them here and there.


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  1. Sounds like we are on the same creative wavelength again! I just made some prayer candles yesterday, from vintage Christmas sheet music and Santa images from the Graphics Fairy. Love your idea of using the wrapping paper, it's so pretty!


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