
Halloween Touches

September 28, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
It's quite the rainy, dreary day here.  Perfect for sharing some Halloween decorations that I've put up so far.  Won't you come in... I've been wanting to do this mice look for two years.  I bought some of the cut-outs from the Dollar Store and the others I did with my Cricut.  The boys love how they seem to be leading up to the 5 year olds room. This shelf is by our front door. ...

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Pick Your Poison

September 27, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Remember this bottle carrier I picked up at Goodwill a few weeks ago?!  I gave it a spooky twist earlier this week. The creepy labels are actually from the Martha Stewart Living special edition Halloween issue.  Just scan them to your printer and print out.  I did mine on label paper, so I only had to cut, peel and stick. The striped straws are from Etsy.  I just love them!  I picked up the pencils...

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White Wednesday

September 25, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Sometimes I like to keep it simple. I bought some ceramic pumpkins from the Dollar Store last year.  The colors were a bit drab, so I painted two of them white last weekend and love them now! I put one ontop of a vintage desk and this one I added to an upcycled Goodwill cloche that sits on my kitchen counter.  I added the word fall to a coffee baked tag. I love the simplicity!...

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Spooky Soaps

September 23, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Here's a really easy DIY project for Halloween.  I like to add decorations all over my house for any holiday, but the bathroom always presents something of a challenge.  So I made some quick Halloween soaps to add to our soap dish. All you need is some glycerin soap (I used black), paper, a printer and of course some fabulous images from The Graphics Fairy. I used a vintage dictionary page with a skull, a...

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Updated Estate Sale Frame

September 20, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I found this frame at an estate sale a couple of months ago.  At first, I was going to paint it white but the blue hue kind of grew on me.  It's kind of a weird, long size so I wasn't sure what to do with it.  Finally, I decided to make it into a chalkboard frame. I attached some self-sticking chalkboard paper to a cardboard insert.  I simply slipped it in the slots.  There...

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Target Wire Basket

September 19, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I popped into Target this morning because my 7 year old needed a new lunchbox.  Yup, only 3 weeks into the school year and the zipper on his first one broke already.  Doh!  I love going down the bargain aisle while I'm there.  Today I found this cute little wire basket for $2.50. I've been wanting a small basket for our counter top.  I added some Decor Steals French dish towels I ordered a few...

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Grain Sack Towel for Fall

September 18, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I wanted to make a grain sack towel for fall.  You see, I don't have a lot of fall decorations; I seem to have a lot of Halloween decorations.  So, I decided to make a quick grain sack using this image from The Graphics Fairy.  It's the same one I used on a bucket over the summer and it just screams FALL to me! I used iron-transfer paper and simply ironed it onto this Ikea...

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Sheet Music Wreath

September 16, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Yesterday I came across a styrofoam wreath that was slated for our last garage sale.  It did not sell, so I had it in the donation pile.  I'm not a very good wreath maker, but I decided to give it another go by doing a sheet music one for fall. As much as I would have loved to do the scroll-y kinds I've seen all over Pinterest, I just wasn't in the mood to hot...

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Dollar Store Pumpkin Candles

September 14, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Quick, easy project for today!  I got these pumpkin-scented candles from the Dollar Store earlier this week.  After peeling off their generic labels, I thought they were missing a little something.  I headed over to The Graphics Fairy and added this great vintage pumpkin label to each one: I printed the image onto label paper so all I had to do was crop, peel and stick! I thought adding twine to the top would add...

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Embellished Witches' Hat

September 13, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I am itching to get my Halloween decorations up, but I'm trying to wait another week so my neighbors don't think I'm crazy.  I found a way to soothe the itch by adding some Halloween touches to my tearoom! Yesterday, I popped into the dollar store and bought the black netting which I'm using as a small tablecloth.  I also picked up a few black crows to scatter about. The witches' hat I got at...

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Halloween Touch for Ikea Apple Basket

September 11, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I popped into my local Ikea yesterday and found these really cute apple baskets.  For only $9.99 each, I knew I could add a spooky twist to them.  So I did! Because I also want to be able to use them for other holidays/seasons, I knew I did not want to spray paint anything on them.  I recently bought Cricut's Halloween cartridge, so I printed out this spooky graphic onto black cardstock. I used Sticky...

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The Graphics Fairy: Brag Monday

September 10, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Thank you Karen from The Graphics Fairy for featuring my Halloween candlesticks on today's Brag Monday!  Yay! Jeanine ...

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Tinkering with Halloween Party Ideas

September 06, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
So I'm 90 percent sure we are having a Halloween party this year.  I figure I'd better get moving on some ideas I've been toying around with.  I have this feeling that in the blink of an eye, Halloween will be here. These little white cups I picked up last year from Michael's.  I thought the little eyes could make them look like cute, little ghosts.  They will definitely be good for holding snacks for small...

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Cutlery Holder

September 04, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I've had this little basket for a few years now.  I can't recall where I bought it, but we've used it to hold plastic cutlery whenever we have a party.  This year, we left it outside and the elements left it a little discolored.  After I chased all the little spiders out of it, I gave it a quick makeover: I don't have a before photo but it was kind of a natural wood color. ...

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Spooky Candlesticks

September 02, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday weekend!  I whipped up these candlesticks last week and just put the finishing touches on them this morning. I spray painted each one black to start.  I don't work with glitter a lot (mainly because I seem to get more on me than my actual project), but I wanted to make the smaller two stand out.  I covered them with Mod Podge and then just sprinkled orange glitter on. ...

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