Have you ever been to AmVets? A friend of mine suggested I pop into one. I'd never heard of them before but did manage to find one just a few towns away. It's like a giant Goodwill but the proceeds benefit our veterans - which I love. I scored a few nice finds today! These little wire baskets were 99 cents each. The black coat rack was originally from Home Goods. It was $2.99. ...
french grains imagegarage sale scalelavenderlavender bunchesold scalescalethe graphics fairywaterslide decal paper
Upcycled Scale Bucket
July 29, 2013 / BY Okio B Designs
Remember the scale bucket I picked up over the weekend at a garage sale?! Here it is with its new makeover. First, I gave it a few coats of flat white spray paint. Then I printed off this great French grains image from The Graphics Fairy onto waterslide decal paper. I added it once the paint was dry and am loving it! It's just how I imagined it would turn out. It was calling for...
Tipping the Scales
July 27, 2013 / BY Okio B Designs
I was only able to hit two garage sales this morning. But they were well worth it. The word of the day for me is definitely: scale. This beauty has a little history behind it. The owner said it came from the 56th Fighter Group - a great old bar and grill in Farmingdale, Long Island. Sadly it closed not too long ago. I was happy to grab a piece of it's history. I...
Scenes from the Tea Room
July 26, 2013 / BY Okio B Designs
If you've been following me for a while, you know we converted our former greenhouse into a girlie tea room. It's the one room where no boys are allowed! It houses a lot of garage sale finds and craft projects. And things that boys just don't understand. But that's okay because every mom/wife needs a little escape once in a while. It gets super hot in the summer, but in the fall it's...
Bigger Than a Bread Box
July 24, 2013 / BY Okio B Designs
Or is it a milk tin?! Whatever you call it, I picked this up at Home Goods a few years ago. We used to have it on our porch but it didn't quite fit with my beachy decor, so off to the shed it went. I dug it out yesterday to give it a Frenchie makeover. This seriously took four coats of white spray paint to cover. Holy moly, I was in a cloud of...
A Sweet Little Surprise
July 23, 2013 / BY Okio B Designs
My parents had a sleepover with my boys Sunday night. My 8 year old wanted Grandma to show him how to sew. Who is Grandma to say no?! Lookie what was waiting for me when I went to pick them up yesterday. A little stuffed whale! Apparently they worked on it together just for lil ol' me. I love it to pieces and will certainly cherish it. I'll have to break it out when he's...
I Tried It!
July 21, 2013 / BY Okio B Designs
I found a "recipe" on Pinterest for "aging" metal. It sounded easy enough so I decided to give it a go on some metal clips I picked up at Hobby Lobby. The one on the left is the "aged" one and the one on the right is a regular one. This photo might be better! Huge difference, right?! All you do for the aged look is use some sandpaper on the piece you want to...
Friday's Thrifty Finds
July 19, 2013 / BY Okio B Designs
Popped into the local church thrift store this morning with my little guy. He picked out a bunch of cute things like a cat puzzle, and I came home with... A little cupcake tray which I'm painting white to add to my craft room. This pretty little frame was 50 cents. The chess pieces are quite unique. They are religious statues. My 8 year old wants to stake his claim but I'll probably end up...
I'mmmmmmm Melting
July 18, 2013 / BY Okio B Designs
It's so hot here this week, nothing much to do but crank the AC up and dip in the pool. This weather is definitely not conducive for creativity - especially when even spray paint cans are hot to the touch and chalk paint seems a bit chunky. So you stay indoors and try to work on mini projects that won't leave you in a puddle of sweat. At least that's what my week has been like....
Home Goods Clearance Find
July 15, 2013 / BY Okio B Designs
I'm battling a summer cold which has kept me homebound since Friday. I finally made it out today...over to Home Goods. I figured some retail therapy might be what the doctor ordered. Lookie what I found on clearance: This pretty French cloche! It was originally $12.99 marked down to $9. Woo hoo! Not sure if you can see but there is a crown and some other French etchings on it. See it now? I love,...
Quickie French Canisters
July 14, 2013 / BY Okio B Designs
After looking at a bunch of Where Bloggers Create posts, I decided it was time for me to get more organized. My craft room doubles as an office, so I am a little limited to the spacing and shelves I can use. I try to use as many baskets, canisters and penny jars as I can. I took this Williams Sonoma sugar cookie tin out yesterday and gave it a couple of coats of white...
Before & After: Fleur de Lis Candle Holders
July 12, 2013 / BY Okio B Designs
I'm not sure where I picked up these fleur de lis candle holders. I believe it was a couple of years ago at Big Lots. Anywho, the candles got a little icky and wouldn't light anymore. The glass has a kind of iridescent glow to it. A little boring if you ask me so I got busy preparing for a quickie makeover. After removing all of the gross wax, I gave each a couple of coats...
Little Bit of This, Little Bit of That
July 11, 2013 / BY Okio B Designs
Just a few random pieces I worked on earlier this week. I bought these spice jars a couple of weeks ago at a garage sale. Now they are all dressed up in their Frenchy best. Another upcycled garage/estate sale find. I have a larger one I'm also working on. Tea, anyone? Love this stamp from Hobby Lobby. Also used it on some glassine sacks. Hoping to hit some more sales tomorrow! Jeanine ...
Junkin' Finds
July 09, 2013 / BY Okio B Designs
We had a lot of fun junkin' in Winchester over the weekend (even though it was 100 degrees). Here's what I grabbed while we were there. Love these vintage tags! The flower frog was only $5 which I thought was a steal and the iron foot form was only $3. I'd never seen an iron one before. I have two wood ones in the house so this was a nice find. Plan on using it...