
Dreaming of Spring...

March 30, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I know March is a crazy month but c'mon now.  It's freezing here again and I don't feel like doing anything.  I feel like we had a taste of spring and Mother Nature just yanked it away. This is about all I feel like doing today. Jeanine ...

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Home Goods Makeover Before

March 29, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I am in the process of giving this Home Goods' wood tote a makeover.  I actually remembered to take some before photos for once: Not loving the yucky brown.  I bought it a couple of years ago and I don't quite remember why.  She ain't pretty.  And after sitting in the tea room holding magazines and books for a couple of years, she was filled with cobwebs and other little creature remnants.  Bleah! Right now she's sitting in...

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White Wednesday

March 27, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
It's my favorite time of the week: White Wednesday (even if it is only Tuesday)!  This tray was a garage sale find from last year and since I left it out over the summer, it got a little, um, dirty.  So over the weekend I gave it a fresh coat of white paint: Since I'm keeping it indoors this year, I wanted to give it a Frenchy touch, so I printed out this great image...

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The 4 Year Old's Table Makeover

March 25, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
A couple of weeks ago, my 4 year old and I saved this cute little table from someone's trash.  As I was putting it in the car, he asked if he could have it for his room.  It was originally black but here it is now: I gave it a few coats of white spray paint. Then I let him pick out a Spongebob picture to add to the top.  We decoupaged it on using Mod...

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Think Pink!

March 21, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I saw a gorgeous, vintage pink fan on Pinterest that I'm hopelessly in love with.  What are the chances of me finding one during my estate and garage sale escapades?  I'm thinking slim to none so I came up with an alternate plan: Paint a vintage one pink instead.  I did find this one at an estate sale earlier this month and it was a yucky gray.  All it took was a few coats of pink...

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Clay Pots

March 20, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Well hello Spring!  So happy you have finally arrived.  And what better way to celebrate the first day of this lovely season then with some mini clay pots: I had painted these an aqua blue a couple of years ago but I decided I might like white a little better.  I gave each a few coats of spray paint and then added some Frenchy touches.  For the first one, I used a Paris sticker and...

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Upcycled Estate Sale Bench

March 19, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Well it seems the warmer weather is finally here to stay (I hope, I hope!).  We spent a lovely weekend outdoors, doing some much-needed Spring cleaning around the yard.  It was also the perfect weekend to get some spray painting in.  Remember this little bench I found at an estate sale earlier this month?  I finally got around to sprucing it up: After cleaning off all of the dust and cobwebs, I gave it a...

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Estate Sale Finds

March 18, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I hit a couple of estate sales this morning.  The first one was terribly overpriced but I did find these two pretty black and white photos. Marie Antoinette anyone? This one is a little tattered but it spoke to me so I grabbed it.  It cost me $2 for both pictures. I got these great tin canisters at the second one.  Not bad for $5!  And how could I pass up this suitcase for $1. ...

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Frenchy Dollar Store Frame

March 16, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Is it just me or does everyone else seem to lose their mojo on a cold, dreary day?  It was 70 degrees here on Wednesday and it's gone down hill since then.  Needless to say, these past two days have not provided any real inspiration for me. And since it's so dark and dreary here, so are my pictures.  =(  I gave this Dollar Store frame a Frenchy touch last night.  I glued some leftover...

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Embellished Bottles

March 14, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Time has not been on my side this week.  About the only crafty thing I was able to accomplish was two more embellished Starbucks bottles: I bought these graphics from Etsy and love, love, love them!  How can you go wrong for $1 each?  I've already used them for bags, tags and I'll be using them for pillows shortly. I printed them out on Avery Label Paper.  Super easy and the paper is pretty reasonably...

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Framed Kitchen Utensils

March 10, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I seem to have a large stash of white frames in the house.  I didn't realize just how many I had until I decided to make these framed fork, knife and spoon prints for the kitchen: You've probably seen these images on The Graphics Fairy.  I had filed them away on my computer, planning to do some napkins or placements with them but when I flipped through the premier issue of Vintage Style magazine, I saw a...

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One Man's Trash is a 4 Year Old's Treasure

March 08, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Driving home from pre-K today, I spotted this little table in the trash.  I pulled over to inspect it and it was in pretty good condition.  As soon as my 4 year old saw it, he asked if it could be his. Who am I to argue with that face?  I told him we have to paint it.  He wants to add Spongebob to it, so that should make for an interesting makeover. Aside from...

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A Few Easter Touches

March 06, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Brrrr...it's chilly here today but putting out some Easter decorations puts a little Spring in my step.  I feel like a kid at Christmas time when I unpackage all of my goodies from previous years: These are actually little bunny candleholders from the Pottery Barn outlet.  The tapers didn't make it.  Sadly, they all bent.  Still, I like them even without the candles. My favorite Easter banner!  Bought it off Etsy last year. More Pottery...

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French Votive

March 04, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I popped into Michael's earlier this week for some odds and ends.  I had been admiring the wax seals in the bridal section for some time.  I finally caved and bought some wax and a fleur de lis stamper.  They were only $4.99 each.  Last night I used them for this quick French votive: I used some vintage French book paper to wrap around the votive.  I distressed the paper edges a bit to give it an...

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Estate Sale Loot

March 01, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
We hit an estate sale this morning.  The weather was dreary and the wait was long, but I did manage to score some great vintage finds: I think I'm definitely going to paint this little fan pink. I could not resist these opera glasses with case.  I just love them!  Same for the vintage lace gloves.  Love! I also got this cute little bench for $10.  Funny thing is, I have a similar one I'm...

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