
Angel Snow Globe and Tags

November 30, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I have to admit, I'm a bit addicted to making these mason jar snow globes.  First batch, I used some faux snow and bottle brush trees.  This time, I used this pretty boy angel image from The Graphics Fairy: I printed the image onto cardstock.  Then I added some German glass glitter.  I wanted it to be able to stand so I cut a slit on the bottom of the picture and then used an...

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Goodwill Wood Tote Holiday Makeover

November 28, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I finally got around to finishing up this wood tote I bought at Goodwill over the summer.  I had painted it red, but then it just sat and sat in the garage.  I asked my boys what they thought I should add to it.  Santa won hands down. First I gave it like a gazillion coats of red paint.  It was originally white with silver snowflakes on it.  Try as I might, those darn snowflakes...

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Joyeux Noel

November 26, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Have you been to Save on Crafts?  They have these sweet little Joyeux Noel metal tags that are so perfect for a Frenchy Christmas touch. I ordered them a few weeks ago and put them out over the weekend.  A few here and a few there. And look at this adorable tea towel from my sister Kathy's Etsy shop.  I love the little boy on the sled and of course the Joyeux Noel. Jeanine ...

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Dollar Store Reindeers + Cyber Monday Code

November 24, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Look at these cuties from the Dollar Store.  A pair of glittered reindeers - what's not to love?  I picked up a few this morning to add around the house.  Look how adorable the little bells are too!  And as we're decorating for Xmas, nothing like the smell of... Warm cinnamon!  We break up cinnamon sticks, add water and boil until the house smells wonderful!  And speaking of wonderful, I've started my Etsy Cyber Monday...

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$5 Angel Wings

November 23, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Wanted to share some cute feather angel wings I came across on Pinterest.  I wanted to add wings to each chair for our diningroom this year.  These were a little smaller than expected but still cute to display for the holidays. I love how they look over a mirror.  This is in our bedroom.  But see how small the wings are?  I bought four of them and I'm adding...

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Holiday Nook

November 21, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Do you have a favorite spot in your house where everything you display seems to fall right into place?  For me, it's a vintage desk that I snagged at a garage sale a couple of years ago.  It's in the corner between our livingroom and kitchen, and I love dressing it up. This is the top of it in all of its holiday glory. This snow globe was a summer garage sale find.  It plays...

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Santa Baby

November 20, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Yes, I have already starting decorating for Xmas.  I don't know if it's because of the recent storm but I'm feeling very nostalgic and still relishing everything home and family.  Santa always puts a smile on my face so I'm paying a bit of homage to him: Trio of frames with various Santa images - one from The Graphics Fairy, one from Etsy and one from my own stock.  These are replacing the sea creatures...

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Santa, Reindeer Silhouette Xmas Ornaments

November 18, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
My mom gave me a cute holiday book over the weekend: Deck the Halls from Country Living magazine.  It has a ton of adorable holiday ideas and pages that you can rip out, cut and use for decorations.  I spied a Santa and reindeer silhouette, and thought they'd look great in some of the glass ornament bulbs I got over the summer at a garage sale. First, I scanned the tag images so I wouldn't have...

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Pottery Barn Knock-Off: Children's Globe

November 15, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I finally got around to painting an old globe I picked up at a garage sale.  I'm embarassed to say I bought it last summer and it got "lost" in the garage.  I wanted to do a Pottery Barn knock-off with it for my 7 year old's room. At first I was going to take it apart to paint just the globe part but I admit it, I was lazy.  Instead, I painted it from...

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DIY Noel Sheet Music Banner

November 13, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I whipped up this quick holiday banner the other night.  It's super simple.  All you need is some sheet music, paper, glue, twine and clothes pins.  Using the same NOEL template I used on my Ikea stars (carnival style from Dafont.com), I printed out each letter onto white paper.  I cut each letter a bit smaller than my sheet music.  Glue them onto each piece of your sheet music. Once they are dry, you might...

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Anthropologie Knock-Off & Salvaged Statues

November 12, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
I've been wanting to make these Anthropologie knock-off mason jars since last year!  You've probably seen them all around Pinterest.  While we were without power, I decided to make some - by flashlight.  =) They are super easy to make.  You just need some mason jars, faux snow and mini bottle brush trees.  I fixed my trees to the bottoms of the jar lids using Glue Dots. I added my faux snow to the jar...

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Holiday Mason Jars & Noel

November 10, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Woo hoo!  Guess who got their internet back last night?  I'm so happy as I've missed the blogosphere and keeping up with all of your projects.  Here's some that I did while we were without power and climbing the walls: I took two mason jars and spray painted one red and one green.  Once they were dry, I printed these sweet holiday images from the Graphics Fairy and Mod Podged them on.  Then I added...

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And the Winner Is...

November 08, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
Still no internet/phone/tv which means NO real blogging.  I'm dying over here!  Lots of projects to post but I have to schlep to the library for internet access.  Thankfully, the power came back on yesterday.  No cable though. Anywho, the winner of the FragranceNet.com candle as picked by Random.org is Patti from Pandora's Box!  Patti, you lucky lady you, I think you won my very first giveaway a couple of years ago!  =) Email me...

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Out of Power But Still Here

November 01, 2012 / BY Okio B Designs
As expected, we're without power since Monday.  I'm at my Mom's soaking up as much internet as possible.  The current giveaway will be extended through next week.  I hope everyone is safe!  I'm still here - thankfully! Jeanine ...

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